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Showing posts from November, 2019

ESPlay Micro: Open Source ESP32 Game Console

Today we'll take a look at the ESPlay Micro, an open source game console built around the ESP32 WROVER SoC. Aside from being a lightweight game console for retro emulation these boards also make for a great development platform to learn low level systems programming. The hardware and software are both open source and pretty straightforward. PS: these would make for an awesome Christmas present for anyone into gaming or making. Makerfabs: Source code: Hardware: Hackaday: Instructables:

Testing 4 Raspberry Pi Gaming Platforms

I've been looking to update my home media center recently and decided to survey the landscape of Raspberry Pi gaming/media platforms. This video compares the four best ones I've been able to find which are: RetroPie, Recalbox, Lakka, and Steamlink.